Monday, November 17, 2008

Last Meeting

On our travel to the Illustirous One, we met Siddhartha, but unfortunately I had been bitten by a snake. He was living as a ferryman with a an named Vasudeva. It had looked to me that he had found what he was looking for. His face appeared to be at peace. I had never seenthis side of him before me so it flustered me for a bit. There was so many things that I wanted to know and to ask, but there was no time. Knowing that I was going to die, I told Siddhartha about his son and how we were traveling to Gotoma. I told Siddhartha to take good care of my son and thanked him for taking care of me. This would be my last journal before i die. I would like to say that I love my dear son and I loved Siddhatha.

Birth and Rebirth

I have decided to follow Gotama's teaching, fews days after Siddhartha let. I had been given a chance with Siddhartha's help to begin living a new life. After giving birth to my son, I had realized that I needed to live a better life. I provided everything for my son. He was never hungry, clothless, or bored. But I have to admit that I might have spoiled my son a bit. The years pasted and my son had really resembled Siddhartha a lot. At times i would ponder about meeting Siddhartha again. Did he find his answer? Did he finally reach his "Self"?
There has been news that the Illustrious One is weak and dying, so I plan on traveling to greet him. My son and I gathered our stuff and headed out.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Caged Bird

Dressed in fine clothes with many riches, Siddhartha came back to me. Eachtime he came, he presented me with riches in exchange for the art of love. Even though he changed his appearance for me, he still was a Samana at heart. However, as time passed, Siddhartha had lost himself in the riches. He soon had a house and his own servants. He started to seem like an ordinary person. Many nights he came and each time he came, we played. Siddhartha liked talking about being a Samana and Gotama's teachings. I learn something new everyday when, I Siddhartha's teacher should be teaching him. After more time pasted, Siddhartha had become more deep in thought and distracted. It was obvious to me that one day he would go back to his old Samana self. And when Siddhartha did leave to continue on his path, I too let my old life go and bore his child. That day when Siddhartha left I also left my songbird free.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Helping Siddhartha

Siddhartha came to me the next day. He is a very lucky man because I was able to get him a job with a man named Kamaswami. Kamaswami is the richest merchant of this town and he is getting old so he needed help. I warned Siddhartha do be friendly and please him because then he would be able to earn more. Siddhartha responded with great confidence, saying that he would become a merchant and become wealth. Without my help he couldn't even get a job. Siddhartha stated that he had taken the first step in meeting me and arrogantly stated that he knew that I was going to help him. He was very clever in responding back to me. I became fond of him each time we exchanged words.

A Samana Named Siddhartha

Siddhartha was his name. Poorly dressed and owning nothing, he came to me to learn about the art of love. It was at first ridiculous and somewhat funny. It was something that I would never imagine; a Samana from the woods would want to learn from me, the art of love. However he was a clever man. I became curious of this man who arrogantly stated that he has already learned from me and wants to learn more. He told me that he could obtain moeny easily, so i asked him how. He said that he can fast, wait and think, but these are all useless things to obtain money. After i told him so, he said that he could craete poems and recited one. Without nowing, I clapped my hands in joy. The poem was very meaning full and brilliant. I thought that he should get paid for such work so in exchange for the poem I kissed him. I also learned that he could read and write which would be very usefull for obtaining better clothes and money. We were inturrepted by one of my customers and told him to come back the next day. He remainded in my mind for that night.