Saturday, November 15, 2008

Caged Bird

Dressed in fine clothes with many riches, Siddhartha came back to me. Eachtime he came, he presented me with riches in exchange for the art of love. Even though he changed his appearance for me, he still was a Samana at heart. However, as time passed, Siddhartha had lost himself in the riches. He soon had a house and his own servants. He started to seem like an ordinary person. Many nights he came and each time he came, we played. Siddhartha liked talking about being a Samana and Gotama's teachings. I learn something new everyday when, I Siddhartha's teacher should be teaching him. After more time pasted, Siddhartha had become more deep in thought and distracted. It was obvious to me that one day he would go back to his old Samana self. And when Siddhartha did leave to continue on his path, I too let my old life go and bore his child. That day when Siddhartha left I also left my songbird free.


Vinija media 2009 said...

Kamala, I have heard much about you from my fellow monks. I am also glad to see that you have been able to become an important member in Siddhartha's life. I had met Siddhartha after he left you, I had seen him in his expensive clothes and I didn't even recognize him. Now, I understand what he really went through. I am also glad you bore his child because you have brought a little Siddhartha in this world. I know he will be exactly like his father.


Sara Media 2009 said...

When he first came to me, me had nothing. He told me that he could fast, think, and wait, but they are all useless things to me. When he read me his poem, I noticed that he possessed two useful ablilities to earn riches. He could read and write. This would really help him get a job some where, so I decided to help him out.

Dhruval Media 2009 said...

Kamala, Siddhartha is completely lost in you. He was a Brahmin initially who changed to a Samana, and now under you influence Siddhartha is turning to the riches and pleasures of world. I was the last person who met Siddhartha before he met you and he became distressed with me. The child that Siddhartha gave to you, O Kamala, is a repeat character of Siddhartha. He will also go away from his father, just as Siddhartha did. He will love you, but please don't overdose him with the pleasures of the world that he forgets the innersides of life.