Monday, November 17, 2008

Birth and Rebirth

I have decided to follow Gotama's teaching, fews days after Siddhartha let. I had been given a chance with Siddhartha's help to begin living a new life. After giving birth to my son, I had realized that I needed to live a better life. I provided everything for my son. He was never hungry, clothless, or bored. But I have to admit that I might have spoiled my son a bit. The years pasted and my son had really resembled Siddhartha a lot. At times i would ponder about meeting Siddhartha again. Did he find his answer? Did he finally reach his "Self"?
There has been news that the Illustrious One is weak and dying, so I plan on traveling to greet him. My son and I gathered our stuff and headed out.

1 comment:

Yishu Media 2009 said...

Mother, even though you might have spoiled me, I wanted to let you know that I could not love you any more than I already do. Even though I did not enjoy the pilgrimage, it has helped me see a different side to life that I'm sure will be useful one day.