Friday, November 14, 2008

A Samana Named Siddhartha

Siddhartha was his name. Poorly dressed and owning nothing, he came to me to learn about the art of love. It was at first ridiculous and somewhat funny. It was something that I would never imagine; a Samana from the woods would want to learn from me, the art of love. However he was a clever man. I became curious of this man who arrogantly stated that he has already learned from me and wants to learn more. He told me that he could obtain moeny easily, so i asked him how. He said that he can fast, wait and think, but these are all useless things to obtain money. After i told him so, he said that he could craete poems and recited one. Without nowing, I clapped my hands in joy. The poem was very meaning full and brilliant. I thought that he should get paid for such work so in exchange for the poem I kissed him. I also learned that he could read and write which would be very usefull for obtaining better clothes and money. We were inturrepted by one of my customers and told him to come back the next day. He remainded in my mind for that night.


Dhruval Media 2009 said...

Poor Kamala, you are leading the Samana to the wrong path. I am Gotama, the Illustrious One, and I could assure you that this won't result in happiness for either of you. The worldly pleasures you have enjoyed are not the actual delicacies of life. Siddhartha is a noble samana, he has left me and randomly chose a path that came to your home. He is pious and holy, please do not refrain him from his memories of Samanas and Brahmin.

Vinija media 2009 said...

Don't be fooled by Siddartha's poor attire, dear lady. I have been with Siddartha for quite some time now and I have come to realize that Siddartha masters any skill that he puts his mind to. He wishes to be perfect at everything he attempts and lets no small obstruction, like money ,delay him. Siddartha is very dedicated and sincere, and you will find his friendship fulfilling.
